Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Ball Game coming up...

I am happy that in December... i will be playing my favourite game again...

There will be a competition held in KL and i just newly join a team in SS2 to be part of the competition...

Just can't wait to train again and brush up my long lost rusted skills...

Today i saw a statement on i of my team mate's T... written... 'I love basketball more than my girlfren'

I just laugh...

Good old days...

Its been weeks or maybe months since i wrote my last blog... it has been weeks as well since i last met up with my good frens... "Hope that you guys are well!!!'.

Life has been busy lately with new improvements coming for work and i find that i am getting lazier and lazier each day... but i think i can still sustain with that.

Tonite... i started thinking that it has been almost 1 year now since i broke up with Shelly... i did not expect that i would be single till now and maintain this kinda of life but in reality... it is happening... after so many serious shit happen... i really regretted lots of stuff in life but i have also learn to appreciate a lot of things in life.

I tried to change ny life a bit but eventually it just did not work out so good. Sometimes i just think that izzit that i need a partner in life to keep me going further and further in life as i have always succeeded in the pass. Each time i was in a relationship, i would achieve something in life or maybe take down some challenge. Maybe thats my will during that time.

Now!!! that kinda will is gone and i really need to pick up again.